View Privilege Detector job details
After the Privilege Detector job is finished, you can view information about the job.
Perform the following procedure to view details of a completed Privilege Detector job.
You can view the Privilege Detector job details in the Jobs Overview page and the JOBS page in Inspect.
To view in the Jobs Overview page, perform the following steps.
In the Project page, select OVERVIEW.
In the Data Overview page, click the toggle to the right.
In the jobs list, select the Job Name for a Job Type that displays Privilege Detector.
To view in the Jobs Overview page, perform the following steps.
In the Project page, click ANALYZE>INSPECT.
On the left navigation pane, click
In the JOBS page, select the Job Name for a Job Type that displays Privilege Detector.
- View the job details in the dialog box.
Table details
Each Privilege Detection job shows the following information.
The user who submitted the job. The date the job was submitted. Submitted Documents Number of documents selected during the promotion process. Job Id Job identification number.